My Gear
When I started learning about AP, I found it super frustrating when I couldn’t find anything on cameras, mounts, scopes, etc., that I owned or wanted to own in the combinations that I had. Even more frustrating when I found something and it was not in English, heh. I figured, if nothing else, posting my setup, how I got it working, problems I ran into, and results might help a few people with similar setups. In this section, Ill go over my gear, both that I own now and as I get new gear. So here we go!
This is probably the smallest part of of my setup but it is by far the most intuitive. The ASIAIR allows you to use your ipad to not only see your pics of the sky, but also to take sub exposures of all lengths, autoguide using your guide scope, and link with sky safari to automatically slew to your selected tarrget. I recently was able to sync to my mount and WOW was it amazing (I will create a video of how I did this with my setup very soon and it will be posted on my site). I was able to polor align, slew to my target, and then ASIAIR would plate solve and center my target. I did this all in my living room while my mount was in the backyard. I will definitely be getting the newer version as soon as it is available. Worth every penny.